Using Arrays & Template Variables in Core Studio by Chris Koerner Array variables in Core Studio are a great way to store large sets of data, or dynamically expand upon existing data. And when used with templates and template variables, they can greatly improve your... ACS Sample Project Control System Software Core Studio
Updating Firmware on a ReAX Controller by Chris Koerner All RXC and RXT controllersystemsinclude a simple web-based firmware update mechanism. The guide below covers thesteps to update the firmware on these controllers. Download the latest firmware from th... Control System Hardware
ACS Sample - Creating 'please wait' status messages by Chris Koerner Any time you are turning on a projector, changing certain video inputs,or anything else that may take some time to process, it is always good to show the user some feedback on the touch panel GUI. The... ACS Sample Project Core Studio
Core Studio: Variable Arrays / Introduction by Aurora Multimedia Corp, Mike Twerdak Here's a brief tutorial for Variable Arrays Note: Supported in Core = 2.6.4 Studio Array Variables The "Variables" node in the palette now allows creation of numeric or string arrays: Enter the array ...
DXI Software (Aurora_DXI_7.2b.exe) not running on Windows: DLL FILE NEEDS UPDATE / HOTFIX by Aurora Multimedia Corp, Mike Twerdak We have a workaround/Hotfix while we work on new build. The issue is due to out-of-date dll from the version of the Java serial library that's shipped with the DXi 7.2b software. Below are the instruc...
Using ReAX / Core Studio GUI with Android & iOS by Chris Koerner Do you know that any device with a web browser can access ReAX control GUIs in the browser, including computers, tablets, and mobile devices? We often get questions about mobile device apps. We do not... Control System Software iPad
ACS Sample - Basic Room Combine by Chris Koerner This article covers creating a Core Studio project to handle a room combine application. When it comes to room combine, there are 2 general programming methods you could choose: Multiple independent c... ACS Sample Project Core Studio
ACS Sample - Multi-Language Support in Control Interfaces by Chris Koerner A customer asked about supporting multiple languages within one Core Studio project. This could be easily accomplished by defining the various language text for all UI controls, then programmatically ... ACS Sample Project Core Studio
ACS Sample - Working with volume controls in Core Studio by Chris Koerner This sample ACS file provides a variety of ways to control volume and show feedback. Also included are formulas for converting a volume percentage to a dynamic range in dB, and vice-versa. Download "V... ACS Sample Project Core Studio
ACS Sample - IR Learning with ReAX Controllers by Chris Koerner The video and sample files below cover the topic of how to learn and use IR commands that you will be sending from RXC, RXT, LXC, and DXB controllers. Note: The method for sending IR from VLX and VPX ... ACS Sample Project Control System Hardware Control System Software Core Studio
"Persistent" Variables in Core Studio by Chris Koerner When creating or editing a variable in ReAX Core Studio, you will notice there is a checkbox labelled "Persist". This article will explain what that means, how to use it, and things to watch out for. ...
VISCA Control Sequence ID by Chris Koerner We occasionally get questions regarding the sequence ID in the VISCA over IP camera control protocol. Per the official documentation, the sequence number is a 4 byte packet in the message header that ...